A Guide to Imaging the Triangulum Galaxy

M33 finaljpg

Capturing deep-sky objects like galaxies can be one of the most rewarding aspects of astrophotography. The Triangulum Galaxy (M33) stands out for its relatively close proximity and detailed spiral structure. In this post, I walk through the process to image M33 using an Esprit 80ED telescope, and ASI294MC camera.

Equipment Overview

The Esprit 80ED, with its 80mm aperture and high-quality optics, provides sharp, images perfect for capturing wide-field targets like M33. The ZWO ASI294MC Pro, a color CCD camera with a cooled sensor, is ideal for long-exposure astrophotography due to its low noise and high sensitivity.

The HEQ5 Pro equatorial mount provided stable tracking, essential for long-exposure astrophotography. I used Sequence Generator Pro (SGP) to automate the capture sequence, which made the imaging process smooth and efficient. PHD2 managed the guiding, utilizing the Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50ED as the guide scope and the ZWO ASI120MM as the guide camera.

Screenshot 2024 09 02 190828
M33 – Imaging rig

Imaging Session Details

I selected 3-minute sub-exposures to balance between capturing enough signal from the galaxy and avoiding overexposure of the stars. The 87 sub-exposures were sufficient to reduce noise and reveal intricate details in the galaxy’s structure, including several extra-galactic nebulae.

Guiding and Data Acquisition

After setting up the telescope and mount, and ensuring proper polar alignment, I spent some time framing M33. The ASI294MC Pro’s large sensor and the 400mm focal length of the Esprit 80ED provided a wide field of view, allowing M33 to sit comfortably in the center of the frame.

Guiding was crucial to achieving sharp, long-exposure images. The Sky-Watcher Evoguide 50ED guide scope with ASI120MM guide camera and PHD2 handled the guiding, ensuring each exposure was free of trailing or drift, to produce nicely rounded stars, with periodic dithering between frames to further reduce noise.

Sequence Generator Pro (SGP) automated the imaging session. Its robust sequencing capabilities allowed me to automate the entire night’s capture sequence, including cooling the camera to -5°C, automating initial rotation and periodic re-focusing, and accurate positioning through plate solving.

Sequence Generator Pro – M33 framing assistant

Stacking and Processing

With data collected, I stacked the 87 sub-exposures using Astro Pixel Processor (APP). APP is a powerful tool that not only aligns and stacks images but also handles light pollution removal, normalization, and integration.

1. Calibration

I started by loading the calibration frames, comprising darks, flats using an illuminated flat panel, and dark-flats. The low read noise of the ASI294MC Pro avoids the need for bias frames. SGP collected the calibration frames. We have a separate post discussing the use of calibration frames in astrophotography.

2. Registration and Stacking

APP automatically registered the stars and aligned the frames. The stacking process combined the 87 images, averaging out the noise and enhancing the signal. APP generates quality graphs for each stage of the stacking process, providing an opportunity to weed out any sub-exposures spoilt by a passing cloud or gust of wind.

Astro Pixel Processor – M33 stacked

Post-Processing with PixInsight

With a clean, stacked image in hand, I moved on to post-processing using PixInsight. This is where the magic happens—enhancing the details and colors of M33 while preserving the natural beauty of the galaxy.

1. Dynamic Crop

Post-processing as always begins with a Dynamic Crop. This removes the irregular black borders which are the unwanted side effect of the dithering performed during capture. It is crucial to perform this process at the very start, so that the black borders do not interfere with any subsequent image analysis and processing. Initial steps use linear (unstretched) data, so I need to stretch the image on screen with the automatic Screen Transfer Function (STF).

M33 - Pixinsight - Before dynamic crop M33 - Pixinsight - After dynamic crop

M33 - Pixinsight - Before and after dynamic crop

2. Light Pollution Removal

Although APP has a light pollution removal tool, I opted to use GraXpert for this step after the stacking process. GraXpert is excellent for removing complex gradients caused by light pollution. There is now a script for GraXpert, that can be used directly from within PixInsight.

M33 - PixInsight - Before GraXpert light pollution removal M33 - PixInsight - After GraXpert light pollution removal

M33 - PixInsight - Before and after GraXpert light pollution removal

3. Dynamic Background Extraction (DBE)

Even after using GraXpert, PixInsight’s DBE tool further refined the background, removing any residual gradients. I used automatic sample generation with a tolerance of 1.000, manually deleting any samples too close to the galaxy detail, with the target image corrected by subtraction.

M33_PI_DBE_Before M33_PI_DBE_After

M33 - PixInsight - Before and after Dynamic Background Extraction

4. Plate Solving

The stacking process removes the target position information from the stacked frames, so the next step is to put that information back using the ImageSolver script. It is imperative at this point to set the image scale and pixel size correctly, which for my telescope and camera are 400mm and 4.63µm respectively. Adding the position data for M33 and the approximate date and time solves the image quickly. Once solved, I used the AnnotateImage script to place a grid and show the key features.

M33 - PixInsight - Before plate solving M33 - PixInsight - Plate solved and annotated

M33 - PixInsight - Before and after plate solve and annotation

5. Deconvolving

The stars in my image did not appear as sharp as I would like due to the length of exposure and the general light distortions inevitably introduced into the my modest imaging train. So I used the superb BlurXTerminator process from RC-Astro to apply a Point Spread Function (PSF) that sharpens the stars using with AI algorithms.

M33 - PixInsight - Before deconvolution M33 - PixInsight - After deconvolution

M33 - PixInsight - Before and after deconvolution using BlurXTerminator

6. White Balance Correction

I used the Photometric Color Calibration (PCC) tool with background neutralization ensuring the colors in M33 were accurate, taking into account star colours and galaxy structure. This process applies a white balance based on photometry measurements of the stars found in the image against reference star catalogues.

M33 - Pixinsight - Before white balance correction M33 - Pixinsight - After white balance correction

M33 - Pixinsight - Before and after white balance correction

7. Histogram Stretch

Until now, I was working in the linear phase, relying on STF to make the image visible. I then stretched the image using the Histogram Transformation tool to bring out the faint structures and brighten the galaxy without blowing out the stars. I do this incrementally, moving the mid point to the left at around half distance, iterating until the histogram tail reaches nearly right maximum, then repeating on the left side until a decent hump is visible.

M33 - Pixinsight - Before histogram stretch M33 - Pixinsight - After histogram stretch

M33 - Pixinsight - Before and after histogram stretch

8. Colour Enhancements

With the image now non-linear (stretched), I could then start the process of pulling up the colours using a combination of ColorSaturation and CurvesTransformation processes, initially across the entire image, and later over areas masked using a RangeMask.

M33 - Pixinsight - After histogram stretch M33 - Pixinsight - After colour enhancement

9. Noise Reduction

With the colours now looking nicely balanced, the image was still quite grainy, so the final step was to apply some noise reduction. I used RC-Astro’s NoiseXTerminator for this, and it did a really nice job.

M33 - Pixinsight - Before noise reduction M33 - Pixinsight - After noise reduction

M33 - Pixinsight - Before and after noise reduction

Final Image and Reflections

The final image of M33 captured the galaxy’s bright core, well-defined spiral arms, and numerous H-II regions scattered throughout. The Esprit 80ED provided excellent sharpness across the field, and the ASI294MC Pro’s cooled sensor allowed for deep integration with minimal noise.

Guiding with the Evoguide 50ED and ASI120MM through PHD2 ensured precise tracking, while the HEQ5 Pro mount provided the necessary stability. Removing light pollution gradients with GraXpert and enhancing the image in PixInsight resulted in a stunning final image that truly showcased the beauty of the Triangulum Galaxy.

This project demonstrated the importance of a good data acquisition strategy, meticulous stacking, and careful post-processing. With the right approach, even amateur astronomers with relatively modest equipment can capture breathtaking images of distant galaxies.

Clear skies!

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